The Winter Solstice is a significant period in many cultures and has been celebrated by festivals and rituals of various forms; it indeed marks the death and birth of the Sun. And the gradual waning of the daylight is reversed whereby in winter the night hours are longer then the day. This Solstice is celebrated on either 21st or 22nd December every year, mystically this is a new beginning, a time to plan for the coming year, a time to take stock of how far life has been. Indeed a reflective time of how we developed in the past year and where we go from here. These reflections must be an honest on where you make a checklist of every month, every week and every day of the year the good you did, the bad you did and the overall progress you made and also the significant failures. This is a perfect retrospection to purge yourself of all the debris you were engulfed in and also to strengthen the good you achieved and resolve to do even better. While you go through this process of purging you must equally think of your blessings and name them one by one. This is a time to meditate and make a determined resolution to create a better future for yourself and for all. During this time some people cleanse their homes, do meditation and also rituals to make sure their environment is clean and a new and vibrant aura is setup for more positive life. Some burn Sage in the whole compound to drive away negative energy, some burn Cinnamon, and some use lime and salt to sprinkle in the whole environment while reciting invocation prayers