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You can be easily be engulfed in pessimistic feelings, and your aura can be inhibited by negative thinking coming from your negative subconscious feeling from your past, fear of some of your past shadows which now appear as stumbling blocks on your way. You have the tendency to think that others are out to destroy your plans and easily lose your balance. Some of your fears are so deep that it leads you to seek for spiritual help and other circumstances will cause you to abuse your spiritual knowledge. This week you can utilise your time to practice meditation, ready spiritual or inspirational literature

this is a positive way to transform your negative feelings into positive ones.

Week 1 (4th Sept 2023)

This week several planets will change directions and it is very interesting to observe such circumstances, this tell us that our lives will change in different directions, these circumstances will happen in different areas our lives, we just have to observe the various aspects of our lives which happen to be affected and make the best possible decisions.

1. Venus turns direct on the 4th of September after six weeks of retrograde in Leo,

2. Mercury turns direct on the same day (4th September 2023)

3. Uranus now turns retrograde on the same day of the 4th September, These three planets changing direction on the same day is a very significant events in our lives. These changes will indeed affect our way of life; it will bring changes to various areas of our life activities.

4. And just when we think three planets are changes direction Jupiter also turns retrograde on the 6th September just 2 days after the dramatic changes on the 4th September. So how do all these changes affect the 12 Zodiacal signs?

There is a sign of relief this week, as compared to the tensions which were in the atmosphere in the previous two weeks, As it is written that “as above so below” this week the emotional conflicts have reduced, instead there are several planets which changed directions as indicated above, and this shows that we must expect some of our ideas, projects will go through re-assessments and perhaps receive new schedules and processes. We will also have much cause to be suspicious about others, your subconscious fears will surface and you will rather examine issues logically than mere speculations, because this tends to create anxieties which normally will receive negative results. Librans must be positive and not fall into these subconscious fears and suspicions, Pisces people will also have to learn the art of positive thinking and not allow Saturn to inhibit his thought processes.



Jupiter and Venus frictional aspect is a thing to be careful about; the retrograde give you the opportunity to look inward, to search our soul to discover what actually makes us happy. It is actually a time for seeking spiritual growth as well as material growth, but in this instance Jupiter is in frictional aspect to Venus, and it’s a time to relax and have more social interactions, more fun fair, but should you embark on any serious project or something that needs tangible result there will be problems getting on your way, there will be frustrations and delays and perhaps loses. In this case Taureans must beware as well as Leos, Virgoans are free from this issue.


You can be easily be engulfed in pessimistic feelings, and your aura can be inhibited by negative thinking coming from your negative subconscious feeling from your past, fear of some of your past shadows which now appear as stumbling blocks on your way. You have the tendency to think that others are out to destroy your plans and easily lose your balance. Some of your fears are so deep that it leads you to seek for spiritual help and other circumstances will cause you to abuse your spiritual knowledge. This week you can utilise your time to practice meditation, ready spiritual or inspirational literatures, this is a positive way to transform your negative feelings into positive ones.

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Oct 05, 2023

The world needs such guidance to eliminate the fears and suspicions that bedevil it's populace.. more grease...

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