Dr Baldwin Nii Badoo
Dr Baldwin N Badoo was a Ghanain writer and Astrologer who was well known for his publications in the Ghanaian times,weekly Spectator and the Daily Graphic, He was born on the 9th of January 1930 at Accra-Ghana. He graduated in Astrology at the insight Institute- London in England in the year 1965. At the height of his years he established the Badoo Research Foundation and became the executive chairman. Beside his writing and Astrology he also triained as UK and German alternative practitioner in Homeopathy, Ostheopathy and Naturopathy. He graduated in the UK at the Modern School of Natural Therapeutics.
Dr Badoo was much more devoted to Metaphysics and explored many areas of its knowledge, from which he gave back to his country Ghana.. He wrot and published several books he also published Astrological yearly guide book.
Dr Baldwin Nii Badoo Quotations
In one of his publications he stated that " The history of the world is the History of Major Planetary Cycles that help to shape our world, Politically, Economically, and Socially. He went further to explain that nobody can extricate himself or herself from the influences of the Stars, the Sun, Moon and the planets that consequently operate through the three known fields of Physics- Electricity, Electromagnetic and Gravitational fields that affects out minds emotions and boady
Date of Birth: 9th June 1930
Time of Birth: 12:00pm
Place of Birth: Accra
Long: 00 W 00
Time Zone GMT 0
Lat: 06 N 00
Sun-Sign: 17 Gemini 55
Moon-Sign: 27 Scorpio 22
Astrology Report
Dr Badoo was someone who had great interest in metaphysics and it is clearly reflected in his horoscope, Scorpio is the most Occult sign of the Zodiac and it influences Astrologers and clairvoyants a lot, there is no doubt that Dr Badoo had Moon which has affiliation with the Scorpio because of the element affinity (Water), the Moon then quincux Jupiter which expands his instinctual mind and we are grateful for having such a dedicated man to have lived hi full life in service of the nation.
An Astute Virgoan Who enjoyed probing into nature and writing