Professor Paul Archibold Vianney Ansah
Paul A. V Ansah, a man described as "the uncaged bird in Ghana's body politic", at a time when press freedom was unheard of in the country,
He was affectionately referred to in his days as PAVA, and lived from 1938 to 1993, during which the freedom fighter chalked many successes. He is specifically credited with setting the tone for the study and practice of mass communication in Ghana.
Professor Paul Archibald Vianney Ansah (1938-1993), Ex-Director of the School of Communication Studies, University of Ghana; reputed scholar, communicator, journalist, critic; a devout Christian, an uncompromising advocate of democracy, freedom and justice; generous, humorous, pedantic, but also defiant and choleric. Close associates called him “Uncle Paul”; his students made an acronym of PAVA. The world knows him as P.A.V. Ansah. His death on 14th June, 1993, created a big void in journalism, and dented the writer’s crusade against oppression and dictatorship in Africa. From 1968 when he assumed the editorial seat of the Legon Observer until his death, the name Paul Ansah became perhaps the most revered epitome of incisive journalism in Ghana. By 14th June, 1993 when he died, P.A.V. Ansah, over a quarter of a century had succeeded in perfecting a paradigm in Ghana’s journalistic tradition. Write-and-be damned was its hallmark, and Going-to-Town its colloquial shibboleth. Avid readers of Paul Ansah’s column in The Ghanaian Chronicle weekly, for which he wrote in his last years, eventually got used to the ominous prelude of his weekly sojourns to town. In this book, the editors put together a selection of the newspaper contributions of Paul Ansah from 1991 till his death in June 1993. The articles were mostly published in his column in the Ghanaian Chronicle, but also include his contributions in the Free Press, Independent, and the Standard. His writings, reflecting a broad range of themes, have been grouped under four overlapping Media, Politics, Society, and International.
DATE OF BIRTH: 20th February 1938
TIME OF BIRTH: Unknown - Flat chart
PLACE OF BIRTH: Saltpond- Ghana
LONG: 1.1deg W
LAT: 5. 2deg N
SUN SIGN: 1 Pisces
MOON SIGN: 12 Scorpio